Integer vel turpis ultricies, lacinia ligula id, lobortis augue. Vivamus porttitor dui id dictum efficitur. Phasellus vel interdum elit.
No: 523464
Reproduction. Professional craftsmanship. Printing on wood base. Original author's technologies were used in the production. 33,0x46,0x1,0 cm. Van Gogh painted this café table with a view in highly thinned oil paint with thin brushes. This technique is called peinture à l’essence. The result looks something like a watercolour. The glass holds absinthe, a popular aperitif. Its alcohol content was 60 to 70%, and it was often mixed with water. Van Gogh drank it frequently. Absinthe was very bad for one's health. Van Gogh drank alcohol to excess and then abruptly stopped. These facts may have played a role in his later periods of illness.
1 left on stockInteger vel turpis ultricies, lacinia ligula id, lobortis augue. Vivamus porttitor dui id dictum efficitur. Phasellus vel interdum elit.