Integer vel turpis ultricies, lacinia ligula id, lobortis augue. Vivamus porttitor dui id dictum efficitur. Phasellus vel interdum elit.
No: 523469
Reproduction. Professional craftsmanship. Printing on wood base. Original author's technologies were used in the production. 46.0x32.0x1.0 cm. Van Gogh was not a city dweller, but a man of the outdoors. In the summer he liked to paint on the banks of the Seine, just outside Paris. He made small studies that were easy to take with him, like this one. In this painting Van Gogh experimented with the ‘dot technique’ of the pointillists, but he did so in his own way. He used long lines for the water, small dots for the trees and plants on the bank and larger strokes for the sky. In this way he managed to capture the reflection of the banks on the water beautifully.
1 left on stockInteger vel turpis ultricies, lacinia ligula id, lobortis augue. Vivamus porttitor dui id dictum efficitur. Phasellus vel interdum elit.